Wednesday, May 25, 2011

exam mood!!!!!

hye u ollsss... soryla dh lame xupdate.. skg ne tgh final exam, pas2 cuti1
xleh update byk sgt, nnt dh start cuti kita update hari2 ok???
wish me luck 4 my final...

<3 korggg... muaaxxx.. :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Zivilia Band - Aishiteru

hye korggg... skg ne aku tgh in love gan lagu nee.. memeber2 aku dok lyan lma dh, aku bru terhegeh2 nak lyan..
best gila wehhh, beribu2 kali aku ulang dengaq, xjemu lgsg..

enjoy this song everyone..

Monday, May 16, 2011


hye u ollsss... yee yeee, aku thu aku lmbat update psal teacher's day ne, bkn aku saja2 tp bz skit la hr ne... hehehee

so, as usual org akn ckp happy teacher's day or dlam bhsa melayu ny selamat hari guru.... so, aku pn sma gak nak wish cam 2.. lotsa thnx 2 my primary and secondary teachers yg ajar aku dlm smua subj, thnx a lot cikgu, sya appreciate sgt2... jasamu dikenang lahh.. pas2 to my MSU, TESL DEpt, thnx 4 teaching me something that I can use mfor the rest of life... now i really know, how's hard to teach students, even a student.. it requires a lot of patient and strengthness....

Actually, today I want to share something with all of u.. It's related to my MICROTEACHING PROJECT that requires me to go to Rumah Amal Cahaya Tuanku Ampuan Rahimah(RACTAR)... we need to teach some of students because it's some of our project that carried 20%... Yes, I admit that during this time I learn a lot of things, either related to education or our real life situation. When u see those orphans, how's their life and independence they are, then u can compare it with ourselves. what should i said was, please be grateful with what we had now a days. They were lack with everything in terms of attachment with family or facilities. I promise to myself that if one day I have more money I come and visit them to make them feel belonginess....

Then, back to my education field, it tought me how to handle students, communicate with them and gave a clear instruction so that they can understand it very well.. So, during that day, I had learnt so many things.... Lotsa thnx u to Mdm Izlin because she gave us a chance to do some community services.

here are some pictures that I manage to take... Hope u guys enjoy seeing it..

Sunday, May 15, 2011

sapa nak beli barang?????

korgggg, tiba2 kn I rsa cam nak bt pre-loved laaaaa... hehehehee....
kalau I bt agk2 korg nak beli x?? bkn apa, after belek2 balik brng2 i smua, i jmp la few yg I xpnah guna n bru skli dua je gunaaa.. so, dpd I membazirla kn.. ape kata I bt pre-loved je.... ok x korg???

Tapi klu rmai yg nak beli, blhla i bt pre-love d 2 kn?? tringin jgk sbnarnye nak bt pre-loved nee... mne thu, start from this platform I blh jd bussinesswoman ke?? hihihihi....

tp seriously guys, i really want to do a pre-loved, hope u guys will like it..
bye u ollsss....

p/s brg2 2 mybe bju, ksut and skit shawl kot.. hehhee


hye u ollssss....
hr ne kat shah alam, hujan sgtlah lebat ok, plus dgn guruh n kilatnya 2... wowwww, sgt dasyat okkk!!!! tapi dlm dok dasyat2 2, blh lg i kuar g The Curve gan my fren nee...
mse hujan tgh lebat 2, ktorg dlm kereta, smbl dok bca ape yg ptut.. serious, gentar weehhhh..

dh sampai 2, trus ke WAROENG PENYET... omaiiigoddd, ayam penyet dia sgtlahh superb ok... crispy gilaaaa.. mmg lazat laaa.. tp dia pny smbl, oh maiii mmg pedas sgt ok... meleleh gakla air mata gan hdung bila mkan 2... hahahahahaha LOL. Pas2 km order air soda gembira, klu mnum pastinya gembira siii... *bajet ckp indon skit* hahahaha... tp okla, air 2 sdap gaklaa....

pas dh hbs mkn 2 gat nak g jln2 kat street market dia 2, tp hujan kn, so xblhla g.. jln2 dlm the curve jap pas2 dh xd pape, trus ktorg blik.... tp xtrs blik rmh la, g GM Klang jap sbb my fren 2 nk bli something...

dah hbs2 smua bru ktorg blik, dlm kul 9lbh gakla smp rmh, hehehee... penat tu mmg penat la, tp okla habiskn weekend gan jalan, hehehe...

klah korg, i think that's all for today, see u nx entry k....
maii nak syg skitttt *muuuaaaxxxx* bye korgg...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

ha, ne blog bdk yg aku nk cite neee... nama dia NURUL HUSNA.. blh pgl dia mcm2 una, baby, hus, na, and makcekkk. hehehhee... byk2...

dia ne rugged gak, dia ckp klu pkai baju munge2 cam girlish g2... adoi kwn I yg sorg nee, bla nk jd pmpn sbnr agk ny *xbrmksd dia tomboy ok* cme dia xsuka yg gaun2, or munge2 byk nee... nway, xksahla ape pn yg pntg dia ne baik, kuat gelak, kaki carut2 cam aku gakk.. yeahh we are rock babe!!!
nway, km smua sekepala ok, kaki berjalan smua....

una, km syg hmp sgt2... thnx 4 everything babe! *bontot2skit* muaaxxx


S for meeeee........ me is NUR SYAFIKA...
so, i guess there's nothing much to share about me.. hehehhee.. yela, ne kn blog i, so korg mstla dh knal I kn? xyah cite pjg2la ekk psal I... *buek habeh boreh oooo* hahahahahaa...


p/s tgk image yg aku ltak, sumpah gedikk kn??? hahahhaha.. *rsacamnaktampardirisendiri* LMAO


dia ne sorg je non-malay dlm geng ktorg... nma dia RISHALENI...

aku knal dia pn dh lma dh, since primary school lg... tp mse dlu2 xbape nak baik sgtla, just kwn2 cm bse je... tp mse msk form4 bru start dh jd geng smua.. hehehee
bdak ne skg dh maju, tgh ada kat INDON nt mebic.. hebat x? hahahhaa... semoga apa yg hng bt jadi kenyataan ok... km smua doakn hng berjaya n jd sorg doc yg hebat 1 hari nnt.. *sygketat*

miss u dear...


knalkan si cantik manis neee....
nama dia NOR IZZATI.. dia ne blh dikatakn plg lawa n cantikla dlm geng km... dpd zaman2 skool smp skg, mmg rmai peminat neh bdk ne... hahahaa... tp jgn rsau, dia setia kat cik abg dia sorg jaa....

dia ne pn lemah lembut gak, sopan santun smua... susah nk dgq dia mencarut bagai, hahahaha... bgus bdk ne, blh jd calon menantu yg solehah... dia pn ada blog gak, klu nk tau lbh psai dia blh la g blog dia, kat situ, blhla ushar dia lbh2, hehehe...

kami syg hmp, thnx sbb sudi dgq luahan hati km kdg2 2... love u my bestie..


memperkenalkn, SITI AISYAH.... (comel x)
hahahaha, dia ne plg lawak, skema, n sllu pending skit, hehehehe.... kdg2 sian my baby ne, sllu kna buli gan ktrg tau, tp buli2 manja je... jgn amik hati ek chah, km smua syg hng tauuuu.. klu xdak hng, xberserilah FARISH kt ne... *serious*
dia ne plg suka amik pic sndr, tmbh2 kat hp aku, hahahhaa... stp kali kuaq pnuh pic dia ja la... act, dh lma xtgk pic hng dlm hp km... rindu plak rsa... heehhe


good afretnoon korg....
sihat ke? bt ape 2? *ala2 formal gitu*
actually aku nak cerita psal my bestie, sisters n beloved forever n ever...
introduce to all of u.. F.A.R.I.S.H

actually ade makna disebalik FARISH 2, iaitu gabungan nama kami smua. km ada 6org termasuk aku skli la kn, hehehehe... ok, skg jom ushar2 my bestie ne...

we start with my beloved FAIRUZ NABILAH...

ne antara yg tercute n plg putih skli dlm geng ktorg... dia baik ja, lemah lembut, sopan santun gitu, hehehee.. tapi kesian kat dia, klu km smua lepak2 mt dia xblh join sbb adalh hal2 yg tertentu, hehehehe... aku knal dia ne dh lama dh, since djh 6 lg.. tp ktorg terpsah sbb msa form 1-3 aku pndh skool len...
FAIRUZ, aku syg hang sgt2 ok.. jgn sedih2 tau dgn apa yg jadi, mst ada hikmah pny.. hehehe.. *peluk2kiss2*

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Perasan x perasan x?

olaaaa baby.. hehehhee...
cam bse la aku kn, cam chipsmore, japa de pas2 xd, pas2 ade blik... hahahaa... bkn ape, aku mlas laaa nak update blog ne, xtau nape.. xd semangat nak mengupdate btl, haisshhhh.. *pok pala satgi bru tau*

klah, prasan x prsan x aku pny b/ground dh chantekkk.. pas2 pic2 smua pn dh fresh, pas2 ade new things yg i update... wahhhhh, semakin cantik blog i neee.. *syngskit*

nway, thnx to my bestie NOR IZZATI coz she's the one that help me to change the b/ground and add the b/ground music too.. *syngkamuketat2zaty*

klah, 2 je kot yg nak di update tok malam ne... nak study jap, esk ada quiz, huhuhu... WISH ME LUCK EVERYONE.. :)

nite2, lotsa love.. :D